Thursday, December 16, 2010


I just decided.
I am going to buy a home.
I am going to do it.
Some might say "big deal". or "who cares?" or "so what?"
And if you're 40 yrs old, like me, you are probably saying "BEEN THERE, DONE THAT"

I was one of those people who never wanted to buy a home.  I used to think like:
"I don't want the responsibility"
"I don't want to be tied down in one place. I like the freedom of being able to relocate whenever I like"
"I like renting. If there is a problem, just call the landlord"

All of these are valid points and  good reasons not to buy a home.  It's not for EVERYBODY.  I despise those people who would make renters feel like the dumbest humans on the planet simply because they choose not to buy into the "American Dream".  According to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, about 3.5 million people experience homelessness within a year.  So anyone who is blessed enough to have shelter, whether they rent it or buy it, should be thankful.

And the "building wealth" argument...HA!!!  I think if you ask today, about half of the homeowners in the US would say that they have lost wealth instead of built it.  People are losing their houses left and right and those who are not losing them, are having to practically give them away at a loss.  And then there are those who are forced to stay in a home that they didn't really want in the first place because they thought they would be able to "flip" the property within 5 yrs after buying it.

However, the reasons that I just listed were not the real reason that I didn't want to buy a home.  The real reason was...wait for it....wait for it....


I was afraid of all of those years of failing over and over again.
I was afraid that I was giving up a dream that I thought was bigger.
I was afraid of being tied down in one place.
I was afraid of ....
my credit report.

But as I was laying in bed contemplating my life, as I so often do...I realized that I had a fear that was bigger than all of those.  And that was a fear of not having any ROOTS.  A place in this world that I can call mine and share it with whomever I wish.  A place where I get to decide the color, the carpet and the cabinets.  A place where I can...

plant a garden
plant some vegetables
host a book club
have a card party
paint a room without having to ask permission
share my life
build a legacy

So...there it is.  I am taking that first step on my road to homeownership.  It will be as bumpy as a country road, the end..worth it, i think.

Oh..did I forget to mention..I DON'T HAVE A JOB!!!

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